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Administrative Law

Administrative Law

This blog category explores the topic of administrative law in Qatar, offering readers insight into the various laws and regulations that govern the state. From understanding the different branches of government to diving into the details of specific laws, this blog will provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the administrative legal system in Qatar. We'll look at Qatar's history and how its legal framework has changed and evolved over the years, as well as more current topics such as the new labor law reforms. Whether you're a student looking to learn more, or a business professional wanting to stay informed, this blog is the perfect place to start.

What are the laws on drugs and alcohol in Qatar?

What are the laws on drugs and alcohol in Qatar?

Qatar is a small but rich country in the Arabian Gulf that has a strict Islamic legal system. Qatar's laws on drugs and alcohol are based on the principles of Shari'a law, which prohibit the consumption, possession, and trafficking of intoxicants. Qatar imposes severe penalties for violating these laws, which can include imprisonment, fines, deportation, or even death. In this article, we will explain the main laws on drugs and alcohol in Qatar, and what tourists and expats need to know before visiting or living in the country.
What are the rights and duties of citizens in Qatar?

What are the rights and duties of citizens in Qatar?

Qatar is a small but wealthy country in the Arabian Gulf that has a semi-constitutional monarchy as its political system. The emir of Qatar is the head of state and the chief executive, who appoints the prime minister and the cabinet. The Consultative Assembly is the legislative body that has limited powers to approve or reject laws and oversee the executive. The judiciary is an independent branch that applies a mix of Islamic law, Ottoman law, and European civil and common law. In this article, we will explore the main rights and duties of citizens in Qatar, as defined by the constitution and the laws.
5 Common Legal Mistakes to Avoid in Qatar

5 Common Legal Mistakes to Avoid in Qatar

Qatar is a small but wealthy country in the Arabian Gulf that hosted the FIFA World Cup in 2022, which brought more attention and visitors to the country. However, Qatar has a different legal system and culture than many other countries, and there are some common legal mistakes that foreigners should avoid to stay out of trouble. Here are five of them:
Labor Court in Qatar: A Comprehensive Overview

Labor Court in Qatar: A Comprehensive Overview

The Labor Court in Qatar is a specialized judicial body that oversees labor disputes between employers and employees. As per Qatar's labor laws, both employers and employees have the right to file a case with the Labor Court if a labor dispute arises between them.
Court of Appeal

Court of Appeal

Qatar's Court of Appeal is a vital component of the country's legal system. Its purpose is to review judgments made by lower courts and ensure that they were made in accordance with the law. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Court of Appeal in Qatar, its purpose, and its procedures.