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What are the rights and duties of citizens in Qatar?

What are the rights and duties of citizens in Qatar?

What are the rights and duties of citizens in Qatar?

Qatar is a small but wealthy country in the Arabian Gulf that has a semi-constitutional monarchy as its political system. The emir of Qatar is the head of state and the chief executive, who appoints the prime minister and the cabinet. The Consultative Assembly is the legislative body that has limited powers to approve or reject laws and oversee the executive. The judiciary is an independent branch that applies a mix of Islamic law, Ottoman law, and European civil and common law. In this article, we will explore the main rights and duties of citizens in Qatar, as defined by the constitution and the laws.

The Rights of Citizens in Qatar

The constitution of Qatar guarantees the rights and freedoms of citizens and residents, such as equality before the law, personal freedom, human dignity, privacy, expression, association, religion, education, health care, and property. Some of the most important rights are:

  • Equality before the law: Article 34 of the constitution states that citizens of Qatar are equal in public rights and duties. Article 35 states that all persons are equal before the law and there shall be no discrimination whatsoever on grounds of sex, race, language, or religion.
  • Personal freedom: Article 36 of the constitution states that personal freedom is guaranteed and no person may be arrested, detained, searched, or tortured except in accordance with the provisions of law. Article 37 states that human privacy is inviolable and no one may enter any house or private place without permission or without legal justification.
  • Freedom of expression: Article 47 of the constitution states that freedom of expression is guaranteed in accordance with the conditions and circumstances set forth in law. Article 48 states that freedom of the press is guaranteed.
  • Freedom of association: Article 45 of the constitution states that freedom to form associations is guaranteed in accordance with the conditions and circumstances set forth in law. Article 46 states that the freedom to form trade unions is guaranteed within the limits of the law.
  • Freedom of religion: Article 50 of the constitution states that freedom to worship is guaranteed to all persons in accordance with law and public order. Article 51 states that Islam is the official religion of the state and Islamic law (Shari'a) is a main source of legislation.
  • Right to education: Article 49 of the constitution states that all citizens have the right to education. The state shall ensure, foster, and endeavor to spread education. Education shall be compulsory until at least the end of the basic education stage.
  • Right to health care: Article 23 of the constitution states that public health care is one of the pillars of social security provided by the state. The state shall foster public health care by extending it to all citizens.
  • Right to property: Article 27 of the Constitution states that private property is inviolable. No one may be deprived of his property except under the circumstances specified by law for public benefit purposes and for fair compensation.

The Duties of Citizens in Qatar

The constitution of Qatar also imposes certain duties and obligations on citizens and residents, such as loyalty to the state, respect for the constitution and laws, defense of national security and interests, payment of taxes, preservation of public order and morality, protection of the environment, and cooperation with public authorities. Some of the most important duties are:

  • Loyalty to the state: Article 7 of the constitution states that loyalty to the state is a duty for all who reside in it or enjoy its protection. Article 57 states that all people who reside in the state must respect its constitution, laws, customs, and traditions.
  • Respect for the Constitution and laws: Article 6 of the Constitution states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all authorities, persons, and bodies shall comply with it. Article 58 states that respect for law is a duty for all who reside in the state or come under its jurisdiction.
  • Defense of national security and interests: Article 5 of the constitution states that the state shall preserve its independence, sovereignty, territorial safety and integrity, security and stability, and defend itself against aggression. Article 59 states that defense of the homeland is a sacred duty for every citizen and military service shall be regulated by law.
  • Payment of taxes: Article 22 of the constitution states that taxes are imposed on a public interest basis. No tax shall be imposed except by law. Article 60 states that payment of taxes and public fees is a duty in accordance with law.
  • Preservation of public order and morality: Article 57 states that all people who reside in the state must abide by public order and morality. Article 61 states that respect for social values and traditions is a duty for all who reside in the state or enjoy its protection.
  • Protection of the environment: Article 33 of the constitution states that the state shall preserve the environment and its natural balance in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development for all generations. Article 62 states that the protection of the environment is the duty for every person living in the state.
  • Cooperation with public authorities: Article 63 states that cooperation with public authorities in performing their functions and assisting them in case they seek help is a duty for every person living in the state.


Qatar's citizens have various rights and duties that are defined by the constitution and the laws. The rights include equality, freedom, education, health care, and property. The duties include loyalty, respect, defense, payment of taxes, preservation of order and morality, protection of the environment, and cooperation with authorities. Qatar's citizens are expected to exercise their rights and fulfill their duties in accordance with the law and public interest.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and should not be construed as legal advice. Please consult with a qualified and experienced Lawyer for personalized guidance regarding your specific situation.
