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Abortion Law in Qatar

Abortion Law in Qatar

Abortion Law in Qatar

Abortion Law in Qatar

Abortion is a controversial and sensitive topic that affects millions of women around the world. Different countries have different laws and regulations regarding abortion, ranging from complete prohibition to unrestricted access. In this article, we will explore the abortion law in Qatar, a small but wealthy country in the Arabian Peninsula.

What is the legal status of abortion in Qatar?

According to Qatar's penal code, abortion is illegal in most circumstances. A woman who induces her abortion or who consents to an abortion faces up to five years' imprisonment. Individuals who perform an unauthorized abortion on a woman may face up to five years' imprisonment if she consents, and up to ten years if it is performed without her consent.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Abortion is legal in Qatar if:

  • It is necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman.
  • The pregnancy is less than four months and it would cause serious harm to the woman's health if continued
  • There is evidence that the child would be born with untreatable mental or physical deficiencies and both parents consent to the abortion

In these cases, abortions must be recommended by a medical commission comprising three specialists and performed in a government hospital.

How common is abortion in Qatar?

There are no official statistics on the number of abortions performed in Qatar. However, some sources suggest that most abortions carried out by residents of Qatar are performed in the country itself rather than abroad. This may indicate that some women resort to illegal or unsafe methods to terminate their pregnancies.

Some of the reasons why women may seek abortions in Qatar include:

  • Being pregnant out of wedlock, which is a criminal offense in Qatar and can result in imprisonment, deportation, or even death penalty for adultery.
  • Having an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy due to lack of access to contraception or sexual education.
  • Facing social stigma or pressure from family or community to have a certain number or gender of children
  • Having personal or financial difficulties that prevent them from raising a child

What are the challenges and risks of accessing abortion in Qatar?

Accessing abortion in Qatar can be challenging and risky for women who do not meet the legal criteria or who cannot obtain the necessary approval from the medical commission or their partners. Some of the challenges and risks include:

  • Finding a qualified and willing provider who can perform the procedure safely and discreetly
  • Facing legal consequences such as arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, or deportation if caught
  • Facing social consequences such as ostracism, discrimination, harassment, or violence from family or community if exposed
  • Experiencing physical complications such as infection, hemorrhage, perforation, infertility, or death due to unsafe or unsanitary methods
  • Experiencing psychological complications such as guilt, shame, depression, anxiety, or trauma due to moral or religious beliefs or lack of support

What are the alternatives and options for women who need an abortion in Qatar?

Women who need an abortion in Qatar but cannot access it legally or safely may have some alternatives and options depending on their situation. Some of these include:

  • Traveling to another country where abortion is legal and accessible, such as Bahrain, Turkey, India, or Thailand
  • Seeking help from a trusted friend, relative, counselor, doctor, lawyer, or NGO who can provide information, advice, support, or referral
  • Considering adoption or foster care as a possible solution for unwanted pregnancies
  • Using online platforms or networks that offer telemedicine services or medication abortion pills (such as Women on Web) at their own risk and discretion


Abortion law in Qatar is restrictive and punitive for most women who need an abortion. However, there are some exceptions and alternatives that may be available for some women depending on their circumstances. Women who are considering an abortion in Qatar should be aware of the legal and social implications and seek professional and personal support as much as possible.


This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or medical advice. Please consult a qualified professional before making any decisions regarding your health or legal rights

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and should not be construed as legal advice. Please consult with a qualified and experienced Lawyer for personalized guidance regarding your specific situation.
